Monday, 20 January 2014


Hi everyone! This is my first blog so I just want to say hello and I hope the New Year has started well for you all. A new year means new challenges and new experiences and for those of you that have applied to come to University that is exactly what you will get. I have enjoyed my start to year two and the hard work has kicked in significantly since the beginning of January. I think back to two years ago when I was sat in your position, awaiting confirmations and interview dates- I was so nervous! The thought of having a new life, a new place to study, living away from home, meeting new people…the list goes on! It is certainly a strange transition period in your life but one you will always remember. What was preparing for University like for me? Enjoyable and time consuming.

So much energy and effort goes into preparing your personal statement on UCAS, waiting for offers and confirming places and sorting out your student finance and in the next few months you will just want to leave college, enjoy summer and look ahead to University! There is so much to look forward to but be patient and stay focussed on them A levels/BTECS in the meantime. YOU CAN DO IT! and you will achieve whatever you set out to achieve and there will be a course out there that is perfect for you.  

Three words to sum up my course so far:

·         Challenging

·         Developmental

·         Exciting

Undertaking a PE degree is physically and mentally demanding and here at the University of Bedfordshire it allows for a time of growth and development whilst giving you an opportunity to explore different elements of PE, new and exciting sports that you may not have done before and it helps in working towards a more physically active lifestyle. One highlight of mine in the last 3 weeks is Synchronised Swimming! As a non-swimmer the prospect was daunting but ended up being thoroughly enjoyable and one of the best things that I have ever done. Our group assessment was just last Monday and we chose the theme “The Great Escape” I was hoping to truly escape when I heard the assessment task but then I realised that I have to achieve my grades so this was all I could think of! I did it! WE did it as a group and we ‘escaped’ safely having performed a 3 minute Synchro routine. This is just one example of how you can reach new depths; excuse the pun, and how you can enjoy all the new experiences that being a student will give to you. I hope you are all confident with the choices that you make and remember “YOU CAN DO IT!”
(We didn't quite look like this!)

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