Hi all, this week has been exciting and I have thoroughly
enjoyed some new adventures. This morning we spent our practical O&AA
(Outdoor & Adventurous Activities) class outside in Bedford Park; Geocaching!
For those of you who haven’t heard of Geocaching, it is referred to as a “real-world
treasure hunt.” It’s like a huge game of hide and seek, hence the tittle.
There is said to be about 6 million active Geocachers’ worldwide. It was great
to explore the outdoors and there are many caches hidden just within a few
hundred metres from campus- there is bound to be ones near you too, I urge you to
have a go, its great fun. We thought about how we could incorporate this
activity into our teaching, but it is also fun for all the family. Attached are
some photos of our finds, the GPS system we used and the signed log book.
This week has also been great for my Swimming progress (that’s where the ‘W’ comes from in the tittle.) For those of you who read my previous blogs you may know that when I arrived at University I wasn’t a strong swimmer, it wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy it- I love water, I just never had the access. I have made it my goal to improve over the 4 years undertaking my degree and so far…it’s going well. This week I received my grade from the Synchronised Swimming assessment we did in January and I got a (B+) this is such an achievement. Maybe by year 4 I can reach that grade A. I attended my weekly improvers’ class with a lot more motivation, knowing the hard work is paying off, and swam 12 lengths. This is a working progress but I am determined to improve. There are certainly many new opportunities here at UoB and I am enjoying learning more about myself in the process.